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Friday 18 July 2008

Very timely advice from the Health and Safety Executive

I’ve already mentioned my son’s accident and although it didn’t happen on a construction site, I wanted to point out the dangers that playing on construction sites bring following today’s warning from the Health and Safety Executive.

It is warning kids and parents should be aware of the dangers of construction sites and not to treat them as playgrounds.

In the last 10 years, 10 children have died on construction sites and more than 600 others injured. Sadly, in most cases, simple precautions could have prevented the incidents from ever happening.

I agree with Carol Forster, HM Inspector for Construction, who said: "Let's ensure that long summer evenings remain a time for fun and adventure for the North East's children and not a time of tragedy because children have, understandably, been drawn to construction sites as exciting places to play.

"Construction sites can be a dangerous attraction for children. The dangers are numerous and varied with risks from falling, drowning, being buried alive, being run over, etc. Access to construction sites should be controlled and risks should be assessed by site managers to ensure that untoward incidents are prevented. The consequences can be tragic."

Here’s some practical advice for us all to follow:

* warn children against playing in dangerous areas, including building sites

* make sure you know where your children are going, and when they will be back

* encourage them to play only in safe areas such as playgrounds

* workers should watch out for children playing around construction sites. If you see children, stop work and make sure they are off site before you begin again

* lay heavy objects on the ground or fix them firmly upright so they cannot fall onto children and injure them

* secure construction sites adequately when finishing work for the day

* never allow children to ride in construction plant machinery

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