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Wednesday 23 July 2008

Multiple profiles online

I guess I am a bit confused at the minute when it comes to social networking and virtual contacts. I have joined up to quite a few (despite saying I’d just choose a select few in a previous post) as it’s quite difficult to decide what to go with, without trying them out first.

So here’s a summary of my profiles so far – and I really would appreciate any guidance you’ve got to give on this subject.

Linked In


I’ve also registered with countless free business directories, and am now on Google Maps which is pretty cool. Just use “DPA Joinery Services” on the map search and I should come up…

I know results won’t happen overnight, but I would really love an insight on which platform is best for a ‘hands-on’ tradesmen rather than a professional who can trade virtually.



Anonymous said...

Being with social networking websites is all fair and well but it depends on how you use the site. For example it's good signing up for sites like facebook but it's pointless befriending teens and students (which social networking websites are usually overflowing with). I guess you need to track down your target clients (which I'm guessing is Home owners) in area's suited for your business. So you've got to put the effort in to find them and not just wait for them to come to you. Well at least untill you make a bit of a name for yourself on the site anyway.

Also I noticed you find Twitter rather pointless and in all honesty for your business I'm inclined to agree. Twitter is more of a personal thing, giving your followers/friends updates on what your doing. Think of it as a miniture blog - your only going to attract people interested in what your posting.

As refering to a previous post, I agree with your other half, publicity is one of the best things you can do. Spend a bit of money getting some posters/flyers/etc made and put in newspapers, magazines, or other websites... or even if you just give them to your local newsagent and ask them to put them up in the windows. It may seem a little expensive at first but it would be rewarding... after all people will feel more trusting in some who takes pride in the appearence of their business than someone who doesnt.

I'm sure your wife has aleady told you all that but I'm sure there's no harm in reiterating.

I hope you find that useful and good luck with the business.

Darren Atkinson said...

Thanks for your comments Paul, it's really useful to get people's opinions on this kind of stuff - even just to confirm my thoughts.
